Dean Harris

The High Sheriff of Shropshire


Dean Harris is the High Sheriff of Shropshire for the 2020/21 shrieval year; this means she’s the Queen’s representative for law and order in the county, and the role gives her the opportunity to support and encourage individuals, organisations and charities to highlight issues, identify areas of synergy and ultimately help make a positive difference to peoples’ lives within the county.

For 20 years, Dean has been a magistrate – which has given her an in-depth understanding of the justice system and the complex and diverse social issues some people within Shropshire are tackling.  As such, her core priorities during the year are domestic abuse, addiction and child poverty & deprivation.

Despite the challenges Covid-19 has posed, in her first few months as High Sheriff Dean has (as our ‘virtual’ High Sheriff) made headway on a number of key projects and has spoken to countless individuals, charities, organisations and businesses. As well as the incredibly important task she has taken on relating to her three core issues, Dean is also aware that many are unfamiliar with the role – and so it’s her aim to raise the profile to ensure it remains relevant to society and the local community in Shropshire.

Dean is delighted to be supporting Shropshire Virtual Show as Vice President; another first for the county.

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